Solid Waste User Fee Study

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Change is coming to Downtown waste collection! The provincial Blue Box Regulation has changed how recycling is operated and Guelph’s own Downtown Renewal Program will bring in enhanced waste infrastructure over the next decade.

ACouncil-approved user fee study is now underway to determine how industrial, commercial and institutional(IC&I)waste collection may continue and how it can be fairly and sustainably funded through these changes.

Our teams are going door to door this winter to speak with businesses and understand their needs. We're also recruiting those interested to join a working group to find a solution that works for Downtown.

Get involved!

Do you own or manage a Downtown business, institution or property?

We're developing a Working Group with diverse membership to represent the needs of our Downtown:

  • Food services
  • Retail
  • Offices
  • Health and personal care providers
  • Institutions, and
  • social services

This group will collaborate with City staff, explore options and impacts of a variety of programs and provide feedback to inform a next step for waste services and what the fee and administrative model might look like.

Take a moment to read the Terms of Reference or reach out to to learn about the structure, expectations and commitments of the Working Group.

To help us achieve a balance of businesses, institutions and services in the Downtown, we ask interested members to complete the application form below. Our team will follow up with all applicants later in February about the final group membership and to ensure those not on the formal Working Group have an opportunity to be heard.

Are you an organization interested in coordinating waste collection in our Downtown?

We want to connect with you too! Our City team is interested in learning about organizations who operate in our area and may express interest in providing waste services in the Downtown. Organizations will be invited to attend Working Group sessions as appropriate to learn about the study and to hear from and share information with the Downtown users directly.

Please reach out to to learn more about how your organization can get involved.

For more information and to contact the project team directly contact:

Robertson Reid, Project Manager
Solid Waste Resources, Environmental Services
519-822-1260 extension 2104

or visit our website Downtown Solid Waste User Fee Study - City of Guelph

Change is coming to Downtown waste collection! The provincial Blue Box Regulation has changed how recycling is operated and Guelph’s own Downtown Renewal Program will bring in enhanced waste infrastructure over the next decade.

ACouncil-approved user fee study is now underway to determine how industrial, commercial and institutional(IC&I)waste collection may continue and how it can be fairly and sustainably funded through these changes.

Our teams are going door to door this winter to speak with businesses and understand their needs. We're also recruiting those interested to join a working group to find a solution that works for Downtown.

Get involved!

Do you own or manage a Downtown business, institution or property?

We're developing a Working Group with diverse membership to represent the needs of our Downtown:

  • Food services
  • Retail
  • Offices
  • Health and personal care providers
  • Institutions, and
  • social services

This group will collaborate with City staff, explore options and impacts of a variety of programs and provide feedback to inform a next step for waste services and what the fee and administrative model might look like.

Take a moment to read the Terms of Reference or reach out to to learn about the structure, expectations and commitments of the Working Group.

To help us achieve a balance of businesses, institutions and services in the Downtown, we ask interested members to complete the application form below. Our team will follow up with all applicants later in February about the final group membership and to ensure those not on the formal Working Group have an opportunity to be heard.

Are you an organization interested in coordinating waste collection in our Downtown?

We want to connect with you too! Our City team is interested in learning about organizations who operate in our area and may express interest in providing waste services in the Downtown. Organizations will be invited to attend Working Group sessions as appropriate to learn about the study and to hear from and share information with the Downtown users directly.

Please reach out to to learn more about how your organization can get involved.

For more information and to contact the project team directly contact:

Robertson Reid, Project Manager
Solid Waste Resources, Environmental Services
519-822-1260 extension 2104

or visit our website Downtown Solid Waste User Fee Study - City of Guelph

Page last updated: 05 Feb 2025, 09:39 AM