New Community Gardens
A new community garden is proposed for Golfview Park.
A new community garden is proposed for Golfview Park. If approved, it will be built and ready to plant for Spring 2025. Share your thoughts between February 10 and 28, 2025.
Please take 10 minutes to complete our questionnaire and help us decide if Golfview Park and the community will benefit from a proposed community garden.
How you feel about the proposed community garden?
What you think of the location option identified for the park?
What feedback you have about the proposed community garden?
How you feel about participating in the garden if approved?
Next steps
We will use your feedback to help determine if the proposed garden will benefit park users and the neighbourhood. Once we’ve made a decision, we will follow up with you to let you know our final results.
Pollinator habitat proposed near Preservation Park.
In addition, community members have requested a small pollinator habitat be started near Preservation Park off Southcreek Trail. We want to know what you think about this proposal and if you’re interested in participating if the project is approved.
About Guelph’s Community Gardens
The community garden program encourages volunteers to use City parks as locations for vegetable, fruit and pollinator gardens. Vegetable and fruit gardens provide a local food source, and pollinator gardens benefit a variety of wildlife including insects and some bird species.
Visit to learn more about the Community Gardens Program and the location of existing community gardens in Guelph.