On-demand bus service

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Consultation has concluded

Guelph Transit is introducing on-demand bus service this spring to complement its conventional bus service. The on-demand service moves the City closer to meeting its goals set out in the Strategic Plan priority of Navigating our Future by improving connectivity of the whole transportation system.

On-demand differs from conventional transit in that there is no fixed route or schedule, and buses are dispatched on a request-basis. This means more flexibility for our customers as they can book a ride when it’s most convenient for them.

The on-demand service, starting May 2, can be requested from anywhere in the city and will replace the Community Bus (north and south loops) and route 16 Southgate. The service will also extend into the Hanlon Creek Business Park.

How on-demand service works

On-demand is not a door-to-door service like our mobility service, but it does run on a customer’s schedule Customers will be able to schedule a ride using the free app, by phone or from the website, and the bus will pick up and drop off at pre-set locations throughout the city.

On-Demand Bus service is here!

Thank you to everyone who provided input to help us identify popular pickup and drop-off locations for community on-demand bus service. Your feedback, along with our transit Planning and Scheduling staff expertise, best practices and the locations of existing bus stops, helped us make the best decisions on where to locate the on-demand stops. You can find the community and Hanlon on-demand bus stops locations at https://guelph.ca/wp-content/uploads/On-demand-stop-locations.pdf. For more information about on-demand bus service, visit www.guelphtransit.ca > Bus schedules, maps, and on-demand service.

Guelph Transit is introducing on-demand bus service this spring to complement its conventional bus service. The on-demand service moves the City closer to meeting its goals set out in the Strategic Plan priority of Navigating our Future by improving connectivity of the whole transportation system.

On-demand differs from conventional transit in that there is no fixed route or schedule, and buses are dispatched on a request-basis. This means more flexibility for our customers as they can book a ride when it’s most convenient for them.

The on-demand service, starting May 2, can be requested from anywhere in the city and will replace the Community Bus (north and south loops) and route 16 Southgate. The service will also extend into the Hanlon Creek Business Park.

How on-demand service works

On-demand is not a door-to-door service like our mobility service, but it does run on a customer’s schedule Customers will be able to schedule a ride using the free app, by phone or from the website, and the bus will pick up and drop off at pre-set locations throughout the city.

On-Demand Bus service is here!

Thank you to everyone who provided input to help us identify popular pickup and drop-off locations for community on-demand bus service. Your feedback, along with our transit Planning and Scheduling staff expertise, best practices and the locations of existing bus stops, helped us make the best decisions on where to locate the on-demand stops. You can find the community and Hanlon on-demand bus stops locations at https://guelph.ca/wp-content/uploads/On-demand-stop-locations.pdf. For more information about on-demand bus service, visit www.guelphtransit.ca > Bus schedules, maps, and on-demand service.

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Map: Where should we stop?

almost 4 years

In the upper left corner, click on the (+) symbol to select a pin. Choose the pin that tells us if this spot should be a permanent or a virtual stop, drag the pin onto the map in the place where you would like to see a stop.  Please tell us why that stop is important in the comments, but don't forget to click 'submit' when you are done.

CLOSED: This map consultation has concluded.