What is a Heritage Conservation District (HCD)?
An HCD is an effective planning tool for recognizing and protecting areas with special character, such as the Ontario Reformatory lands. The Ontario Heritage Act allows municipalities to identify, preserve and enhance the unique heritage character of landscapes under Part V designation, through an adoption of a municipal designation By-law. A Part V designation recognizes the collective heritage value of an area, and offers additional tools to guide change, including but not limited to design and planning guidelines for infill and adaptive reuse. While Part IV designated properties may also exist within the boundaries of an HCD, these cultural heritage landscapes have a collective heritage value when considered as a whole landscape, including natural and built features. Every HCD is unique and requires special policies or guidelines to ensure its conservation, growth and careful management.
What is the purpose of a HCD?
HCDs are designated because they are historically or culturally significant and require special care or attention in the planning process to ensure they are conserved.