Tap in to the Long Planning and Property Re-use Studies 2000 - 2022
The property has vast amounts of cultural heritage documentation already associated with it. For the past 2 decades (possibly longer), Guelphites have expressed interest and the need to protect the OR lands and their historically significant buildings/landscapes. The cultural heritage documentation team should extract valuable insights into the 'value' of the property via the 1000s of pages that have already been written on the subject lands. The City's archive on the long planning re-use history of the site can be conveniently extracted from Planning for the OR Lands 2005 -
The terminology for the site has changed over the years (referred to now as an Innovation District), and the overall geographic area has been diminished slowly over time, i.e., readily developable lands such as the Better Beef (now Cargill) and City Operations facilities have been carved out of the land base. The remaining lands - historic structures and natural landscapes are valuable for truly long term innovation via their protection and reuse possibilities. . . the community has offered many of these ideas already.