Speedvale Avenue Construction
Consultation for this project has now closed.
Please stay on top of developments in this project on our main website, and feel free to reach out to the project lead directly with any questions as we prepare and proceed with construction.
We’re hosting a virtual open house to present plans for the Speedvale Avenue Phase 1 road and bridge reconstruction project. Speedvale Avenue is deteriorating and needs to be repaired. Work will take place on Speedvale Avenue between Glenwood Avenue to Marlborough Road and includes the replacement of the underground sanitary sewer, storm sewer, water main pipes and the bridge. The reconstructed road will have two travel lanes in each direction, sidewalks and multi-use paths. Construction is anticipated take place in 2021 and 2022 and is expected to begin in June 2021. The existing Speed River bridge will be replaced in 2022.
Why review virtual open house materials?
We encourage you to review the documents listed in the right side of this screen, including the project overview for general details about project with maps, structural design drawings and schedules.
The project information package has more information of particular interest to neighboring residents and businesses, including impacts to traffic and property access, tree protection, and a pre-construction inspection of area properties.
Consultation for this project has now closed.
Please stay on top of developments in this project on our main website, and feel free to reach out to the project lead directly with any questions as we prepare and proceed with construction.
Steven Di Pietro, P. Eng, Supervisor Project Delivery Support, Design and Construction,
Engineering and Transportation Services, City of Guelph
519-822-1260 extension 2348
Next Steps
- Review and incorporate comments received for any necessary updates to the project plan (Spring 2021).
- Proceed to construction starting in June 2021.
We’re hosting a virtual open house to present plans for the Speedvale Avenue Phase 1 road and bridge reconstruction project. Speedvale Avenue is deteriorating and needs to be repaired. Work will take place on Speedvale Avenue between Glenwood Avenue to Marlborough Road and includes the replacement of the underground sanitary sewer, storm sewer, water main pipes and the bridge. The reconstructed road will have two travel lanes in each direction, sidewalks and multi-use paths. Construction is anticipated take place in 2021 and 2022 and is expected to begin in June 2021. The existing Speed River bridge will be replaced in 2022.
Why review virtual open house materials?
We encourage you to review the documents listed in the right side of this screen, including the project overview for general details about project with maps, structural design drawings and schedules.
The project information package has more information of particular interest to neighboring residents and businesses, including impacts to traffic and property access, tree protection, and a pre-construction inspection of area properties.
Consultation for this project has now closed.
Please stay on top of developments in this project on our main website, and feel free to reach out to the project lead directly with any questions as we prepare and proceed with construction.
Steven Di Pietro, P. Eng, Supervisor Project Delivery Support, Design and Construction,
Engineering and Transportation Services, City of Guelph
519-822-1260 extension 2348
Next Steps
- Review and incorporate comments received for any necessary updates to the project plan (Spring 2021).
- Proceed to construction starting in June 2021.
Consultation for this project has now closed.
Please stay on top of developments in this project on our main website, and feel free to reach out to the project lead directly with any questions as we prepare and proceed with construction.
Please review the documents listed along the right hand side of the project page, including the project overview and ask us any question you may have about the project. We will do our best to answer within 3 business days. When we answer, your question and our answer will be displayed publicly.
Share What is the final or estimated cost for Speedvale Avenue road and trunk sewer reconstruction (between Glenwood and Manhattan Court)? Please break out project budget lines for: 1) private property land expropriation 2) hydro relocation 3) cutting of 37 trees 4) consulting 5) road resurfacing (pre-2021) 6) road resurfacing (2021 to 2023) 7) trunk sewer 8) other expenses not identified in 2021-2023 capital budget. on Facebook Share What is the final or estimated cost for Speedvale Avenue road and trunk sewer reconstruction (between Glenwood and Manhattan Court)? Please break out project budget lines for: 1) private property land expropriation 2) hydro relocation 3) cutting of 37 trees 4) consulting 5) road resurfacing (pre-2021) 6) road resurfacing (2021 to 2023) 7) trunk sewer 8) other expenses not identified in 2021-2023 capital budget. on Twitter Share What is the final or estimated cost for Speedvale Avenue road and trunk sewer reconstruction (between Glenwood and Manhattan Court)? Please break out project budget lines for: 1) private property land expropriation 2) hydro relocation 3) cutting of 37 trees 4) consulting 5) road resurfacing (pre-2021) 6) road resurfacing (2021 to 2023) 7) trunk sewer 8) other expenses not identified in 2021-2023 capital budget. on Linkedin Email What is the final or estimated cost for Speedvale Avenue road and trunk sewer reconstruction (between Glenwood and Manhattan Court)? Please break out project budget lines for: 1) private property land expropriation 2) hydro relocation 3) cutting of 37 trees 4) consulting 5) road resurfacing (pre-2021) 6) road resurfacing (2021 to 2023) 7) trunk sewer 8) other expenses not identified in 2021-2023 capital budget. link
What is the final or estimated cost for Speedvale Avenue road and trunk sewer reconstruction (between Glenwood and Manhattan Court)? Please break out project budget lines for: 1) private property land expropriation 2) hydro relocation 3) cutting of 37 trees 4) consulting 5) road resurfacing (pre-2021) 6) road resurfacing (2021 to 2023) 7) trunk sewer 8) other expenses not identified in 2021-2023 capital budget.
ResidentsForSafeSpeedvaleAvenue asked almost 4 years agoRegarding the questions of project costing, we can’t release the detail requested for privacy and procurement reasons. We can provide that the approved budget for the project from Glenwood to Manhattan is $19,200,000. All expected costs for Phase 1 are included within the project budget. The required additional funding for subsequent phases will be requested through the annual capital budget development process. We can provide that the road resurfacing costs paid prior to 2021 was $47,165 plus HST. The cost for utility relocation incurred to date is $2.3M and which includes tree removal. The awarded consulting assignments to date is $901k.
Share The full closure of pedestrian access across the river during the replacement of the bridge is very disruptive to nearby residents like myself who regularly cross the bridge to access shopping, services, parks, etc. The proposed traffic detour is not at all practical for those of us traveling without a car. Since the upcoming Emma-Earl bridge is the alternate pedestrian & cyclist crossing for the Speed River with no bike lanes being put in on the Speedvale bridge, why is this project not being arranged so that the Emma-Earl bridge crossing is completed before complete closure of the Speedvale bridge? Where is the priority for active transportation and the well-being of pedestrians in this area? on Facebook Share The full closure of pedestrian access across the river during the replacement of the bridge is very disruptive to nearby residents like myself who regularly cross the bridge to access shopping, services, parks, etc. The proposed traffic detour is not at all practical for those of us traveling without a car. Since the upcoming Emma-Earl bridge is the alternate pedestrian & cyclist crossing for the Speed River with no bike lanes being put in on the Speedvale bridge, why is this project not being arranged so that the Emma-Earl bridge crossing is completed before complete closure of the Speedvale bridge? Where is the priority for active transportation and the well-being of pedestrians in this area? on Twitter Share The full closure of pedestrian access across the river during the replacement of the bridge is very disruptive to nearby residents like myself who regularly cross the bridge to access shopping, services, parks, etc. The proposed traffic detour is not at all practical for those of us traveling without a car. Since the upcoming Emma-Earl bridge is the alternate pedestrian & cyclist crossing for the Speed River with no bike lanes being put in on the Speedvale bridge, why is this project not being arranged so that the Emma-Earl bridge crossing is completed before complete closure of the Speedvale bridge? Where is the priority for active transportation and the well-being of pedestrians in this area? on Linkedin Email The full closure of pedestrian access across the river during the replacement of the bridge is very disruptive to nearby residents like myself who regularly cross the bridge to access shopping, services, parks, etc. The proposed traffic detour is not at all practical for those of us traveling without a car. Since the upcoming Emma-Earl bridge is the alternate pedestrian & cyclist crossing for the Speed River with no bike lanes being put in on the Speedvale bridge, why is this project not being arranged so that the Emma-Earl bridge crossing is completed before complete closure of the Speedvale bridge? Where is the priority for active transportation and the well-being of pedestrians in this area? link
The full closure of pedestrian access across the river during the replacement of the bridge is very disruptive to nearby residents like myself who regularly cross the bridge to access shopping, services, parks, etc. The proposed traffic detour is not at all practical for those of us traveling without a car. Since the upcoming Emma-Earl bridge is the alternate pedestrian & cyclist crossing for the Speed River with no bike lanes being put in on the Speedvale bridge, why is this project not being arranged so that the Emma-Earl bridge crossing is completed before complete closure of the Speedvale bridge? Where is the priority for active transportation and the well-being of pedestrians in this area?
lka asked almost 4 years agoThe Emma to Earl Pedestrian Bridge is scheduled for construction in 2023. The Speedvale Avenue road and bridge works have been scheduled to proceed in 2021 and unfortunately cannot be delayed until after 2024 due to the need to rehabilitate and improve the existing infrastructure along Speedvale Avenue.
During 2021 pedestrian and cycling access with be maintained across the bridge. While the bridge is being reconstructed in from June to December, 2022, there will regrettably not be access across the bridge.
Share Our family (including children and pets) lives in a basement apartment along Speedvale Ave. After hearing about the sewage backups and flooding of basements along Stevenson during the ongoing similar construction, we would like to know what mitigation measures are being implemented to ensure this does not happen to the residents along Speedvale Ave during construction. on Facebook Share Our family (including children and pets) lives in a basement apartment along Speedvale Ave. After hearing about the sewage backups and flooding of basements along Stevenson during the ongoing similar construction, we would like to know what mitigation measures are being implemented to ensure this does not happen to the residents along Speedvale Ave during construction. on Twitter Share Our family (including children and pets) lives in a basement apartment along Speedvale Ave. After hearing about the sewage backups and flooding of basements along Stevenson during the ongoing similar construction, we would like to know what mitigation measures are being implemented to ensure this does not happen to the residents along Speedvale Ave during construction. on Linkedin Email Our family (including children and pets) lives in a basement apartment along Speedvale Ave. After hearing about the sewage backups and flooding of basements along Stevenson during the ongoing similar construction, we would like to know what mitigation measures are being implemented to ensure this does not happen to the residents along Speedvale Ave during construction. link
Our family (including children and pets) lives in a basement apartment along Speedvale Ave. After hearing about the sewage backups and flooding of basements along Stevenson during the ongoing similar construction, we would like to know what mitigation measures are being implemented to ensure this does not happen to the residents along Speedvale Ave during construction.
Concerned Family asked almost 4 years agoThe incident on Speedvale Ave was due to the rainfall event. We will ensure our contractor connects new sanitary and storm pipes to the existing pipes at the end of the day. This will ensure the water does not flow in the trench.
Share It wasn't too clear to me if the plans include a sidewalk or a multi use path on the bridge. Currently two people can barely fit when passing on the sidewalk on the bridge, and it can be dangerous since traffic is so close. Also, will there be a way for pedestrians to get across the river during the bridge construction? Thank you, Shannon on Facebook Share It wasn't too clear to me if the plans include a sidewalk or a multi use path on the bridge. Currently two people can barely fit when passing on the sidewalk on the bridge, and it can be dangerous since traffic is so close. Also, will there be a way for pedestrians to get across the river during the bridge construction? Thank you, Shannon on Twitter Share It wasn't too clear to me if the plans include a sidewalk or a multi use path on the bridge. Currently two people can barely fit when passing on the sidewalk on the bridge, and it can be dangerous since traffic is so close. Also, will there be a way for pedestrians to get across the river during the bridge construction? Thank you, Shannon on Linkedin Email It wasn't too clear to me if the plans include a sidewalk or a multi use path on the bridge. Currently two people can barely fit when passing on the sidewalk on the bridge, and it can be dangerous since traffic is so close. Also, will there be a way for pedestrians to get across the river during the bridge construction? Thank you, Shannon link
It wasn't too clear to me if the plans include a sidewalk or a multi use path on the bridge. Currently two people can barely fit when passing on the sidewalk on the bridge, and it can be dangerous since traffic is so close. Also, will there be a way for pedestrians to get across the river during the bridge construction? Thank you, Shannon
Shannon asked almost 4 years agoThe proposed width of the sidewalk on the bridge structure is 3.2m wide, which is wider than a standard multi-use path of 3.0m for a shared used facility for pedestrian and cyclists.
Due to constructability of the bridge, pedestrian access across the bridge will not be provided during construction.
Share Is the light at Marlborough Rd a temporary light during construction or a permanent light? on Facebook Share Is the light at Marlborough Rd a temporary light during construction or a permanent light? on Twitter Share Is the light at Marlborough Rd a temporary light during construction or a permanent light? on Linkedin Email Is the light at Marlborough Rd a temporary light during construction or a permanent light? link
Is the light at Marlborough Rd a temporary light during construction or a permanent light?
GVIP1290 asked almost 4 years agoThere is no temporary or permanent traffic signals are proposed at the Marlborough Road intersection.
Share How long will Speedvale be fully closed at the river? How will pedestrians cross Speedvale in the area of the fire station when Speedvale is fully closed? Please indicate the intervals during which pedestrians will be unable to cross Speedvale safely from the fire station to continue on the trail south of the current bridge. There was to be a tunnel under Speedvale for pedestrians/cyclists. There are environmental issues with providing a bridge at the end of Emma and anyway that location is too far out of the way for pedestrians who wish to continue their stroll alongside the river. How would pedestrians in Riverside Park access the Emma bridge, if it is built? on Facebook Share How long will Speedvale be fully closed at the river? How will pedestrians cross Speedvale in the area of the fire station when Speedvale is fully closed? Please indicate the intervals during which pedestrians will be unable to cross Speedvale safely from the fire station to continue on the trail south of the current bridge. There was to be a tunnel under Speedvale for pedestrians/cyclists. There are environmental issues with providing a bridge at the end of Emma and anyway that location is too far out of the way for pedestrians who wish to continue their stroll alongside the river. How would pedestrians in Riverside Park access the Emma bridge, if it is built? on Twitter Share How long will Speedvale be fully closed at the river? How will pedestrians cross Speedvale in the area of the fire station when Speedvale is fully closed? Please indicate the intervals during which pedestrians will be unable to cross Speedvale safely from the fire station to continue on the trail south of the current bridge. There was to be a tunnel under Speedvale for pedestrians/cyclists. There are environmental issues with providing a bridge at the end of Emma and anyway that location is too far out of the way for pedestrians who wish to continue their stroll alongside the river. How would pedestrians in Riverside Park access the Emma bridge, if it is built? on Linkedin Email How long will Speedvale be fully closed at the river? How will pedestrians cross Speedvale in the area of the fire station when Speedvale is fully closed? Please indicate the intervals during which pedestrians will be unable to cross Speedvale safely from the fire station to continue on the trail south of the current bridge. There was to be a tunnel under Speedvale for pedestrians/cyclists. There are environmental issues with providing a bridge at the end of Emma and anyway that location is too far out of the way for pedestrians who wish to continue their stroll alongside the river. How would pedestrians in Riverside Park access the Emma bridge, if it is built? link
How long will Speedvale be fully closed at the river? How will pedestrians cross Speedvale in the area of the fire station when Speedvale is fully closed? Please indicate the intervals during which pedestrians will be unable to cross Speedvale safely from the fire station to continue on the trail south of the current bridge. There was to be a tunnel under Speedvale for pedestrians/cyclists. There are environmental issues with providing a bridge at the end of Emma and anyway that location is too far out of the way for pedestrians who wish to continue their stroll alongside the river. How would pedestrians in Riverside Park access the Emma bridge, if it is built?
RiversidePedestrian asked almost 4 years agoFull roadway closure is anticipated from June -December 2022. During the replacement of the bridge, pedestrian access across the river will not be provided. Upon completion of the bridge replacement, a new path will be constructed under the new bridge.
Share Hello, I was reading the plans for the construction on Speedvale and didn’t see whether pedestrians would still be able to cross the river during the bridge closure in 2022. It is a heavily trafficked area for pedestrians and the alternative route adds a very long detour (either through riverside park or up delhi to almost Eramosa). The proposed pedestrian bridge at Emma would be a great alternative, but I’ve read it is still under review with not set date for construction. Thanks so much, MG on Facebook Share Hello, I was reading the plans for the construction on Speedvale and didn’t see whether pedestrians would still be able to cross the river during the bridge closure in 2022. It is a heavily trafficked area for pedestrians and the alternative route adds a very long detour (either through riverside park or up delhi to almost Eramosa). The proposed pedestrian bridge at Emma would be a great alternative, but I’ve read it is still under review with not set date for construction. Thanks so much, MG on Twitter Share Hello, I was reading the plans for the construction on Speedvale and didn’t see whether pedestrians would still be able to cross the river during the bridge closure in 2022. It is a heavily trafficked area for pedestrians and the alternative route adds a very long detour (either through riverside park or up delhi to almost Eramosa). The proposed pedestrian bridge at Emma would be a great alternative, but I’ve read it is still under review with not set date for construction. Thanks so much, MG on Linkedin Email Hello, I was reading the plans for the construction on Speedvale and didn’t see whether pedestrians would still be able to cross the river during the bridge closure in 2022. It is a heavily trafficked area for pedestrians and the alternative route adds a very long detour (either through riverside park or up delhi to almost Eramosa). The proposed pedestrian bridge at Emma would be a great alternative, but I’ve read it is still under review with not set date for construction. Thanks so much, MG link
Hello, I was reading the plans for the construction on Speedvale and didn’t see whether pedestrians would still be able to cross the river during the bridge closure in 2022. It is a heavily trafficked area for pedestrians and the alternative route adds a very long detour (either through riverside park or up delhi to almost Eramosa). The proposed pedestrian bridge at Emma would be a great alternative, but I’ve read it is still under review with not set date for construction. Thanks so much, MG
MG asked almost 4 years agoDue to constructability of the bridge replacement, it is unfortunate that pedestrian access cannot be maintained crossing the river during construction.
The project for Emma bridge is under the EA process. Design and construction is anticipated for 2023.
Share I asm delighted to see that a sidewalk under the bridge has been included. Is there a plan foor how it will hook up to another trail and /or sidewalk on the northwest side of the bridge? Where would I find it and when would it be completed? on Facebook Share I asm delighted to see that a sidewalk under the bridge has been included. Is there a plan foor how it will hook up to another trail and /or sidewalk on the northwest side of the bridge? Where would I find it and when would it be completed? on Twitter Share I asm delighted to see that a sidewalk under the bridge has been included. Is there a plan foor how it will hook up to another trail and /or sidewalk on the northwest side of the bridge? Where would I find it and when would it be completed? on Linkedin Email I asm delighted to see that a sidewalk under the bridge has been included. Is there a plan foor how it will hook up to another trail and /or sidewalk on the northwest side of the bridge? Where would I find it and when would it be completed? link
I asm delighted to see that a sidewalk under the bridge has been included. Is there a plan foor how it will hook up to another trail and /or sidewalk on the northwest side of the bridge? Where would I find it and when would it be completed?
louisewatson109 asked almost 4 years agoInformation can be found in the below linke:
Share I have a few questions: - Why are we widening both lanes to 3.35m - is there no opportunity to use wider curb lanes (i.e. 3.35m), and narrower through lanes as a way to slow traffic/obtain road space for alternative uses (e.g. wider sidewalk/MUP)? - How does this re-design improve safety of all users? - The use of the terms "sidewalks or multi-use paths" makes it unclear how cyclists and pedestrians will be accommodated safely. Where will sidewalks or MUPs be installed, and where only sidewalks are installed, how will cyclists safely pass through the area with no cycling facilities? - What, if any, findings from last year's temporary COVID-related closure of one lane on the bridge have been/are being integrated into the design of this project? Thank you on Facebook Share I have a few questions: - Why are we widening both lanes to 3.35m - is there no opportunity to use wider curb lanes (i.e. 3.35m), and narrower through lanes as a way to slow traffic/obtain road space for alternative uses (e.g. wider sidewalk/MUP)? - How does this re-design improve safety of all users? - The use of the terms "sidewalks or multi-use paths" makes it unclear how cyclists and pedestrians will be accommodated safely. Where will sidewalks or MUPs be installed, and where only sidewalks are installed, how will cyclists safely pass through the area with no cycling facilities? - What, if any, findings from last year's temporary COVID-related closure of one lane on the bridge have been/are being integrated into the design of this project? Thank you on Twitter Share I have a few questions: - Why are we widening both lanes to 3.35m - is there no opportunity to use wider curb lanes (i.e. 3.35m), and narrower through lanes as a way to slow traffic/obtain road space for alternative uses (e.g. wider sidewalk/MUP)? - How does this re-design improve safety of all users? - The use of the terms "sidewalks or multi-use paths" makes it unclear how cyclists and pedestrians will be accommodated safely. Where will sidewalks or MUPs be installed, and where only sidewalks are installed, how will cyclists safely pass through the area with no cycling facilities? - What, if any, findings from last year's temporary COVID-related closure of one lane on the bridge have been/are being integrated into the design of this project? Thank you on Linkedin Email I have a few questions: - Why are we widening both lanes to 3.35m - is there no opportunity to use wider curb lanes (i.e. 3.35m), and narrower through lanes as a way to slow traffic/obtain road space for alternative uses (e.g. wider sidewalk/MUP)? - How does this re-design improve safety of all users? - The use of the terms "sidewalks or multi-use paths" makes it unclear how cyclists and pedestrians will be accommodated safely. Where will sidewalks or MUPs be installed, and where only sidewalks are installed, how will cyclists safely pass through the area with no cycling facilities? - What, if any, findings from last year's temporary COVID-related closure of one lane on the bridge have been/are being integrated into the design of this project? Thank you link
I have a few questions: - Why are we widening both lanes to 3.35m - is there no opportunity to use wider curb lanes (i.e. 3.35m), and narrower through lanes as a way to slow traffic/obtain road space for alternative uses (e.g. wider sidewalk/MUP)? - How does this re-design improve safety of all users? - The use of the terms "sidewalks or multi-use paths" makes it unclear how cyclists and pedestrians will be accommodated safely. Where will sidewalks or MUPs be installed, and where only sidewalks are installed, how will cyclists safely pass through the area with no cycling facilities? - What, if any, findings from last year's temporary COVID-related closure of one lane on the bridge have been/are being integrated into the design of this project? Thank you
DarrenShock asked almost 4 years ago- Existing lanes 3.0m wide are below City standard and proposed 3.35m lanes are current standard City guideline requirements.
- The re-design provides additional active transportation facilities which provide separate facilities for cyclists and vehicles. Thus providing improved safety for active transportation.
- The location of MUP is determined based on the City cycling masterplan. MUP provides pathway for both cyclist and pedestrians and will be constructed with asphalt. Concrete sidewalks will be located where only pedestrians are allowed.
- The ultimate bridge design and the road configuration is based on the planning needs and not only by covid-19. The staging of the work has been reviewed based on constructability and thus determined that maintaining through traffic during the bridge replacement was deemed not feasible.
Share the proposed bridge seems to narrow where it meets with the multi-use path. Such narrowing may cause problems between cyclists and pedestrians. Will cyclists be required to dismount on the bridge? This, too, may render space of pedestrians and cyclists insufficient. on Facebook Share the proposed bridge seems to narrow where it meets with the multi-use path. Such narrowing may cause problems between cyclists and pedestrians. Will cyclists be required to dismount on the bridge? This, too, may render space of pedestrians and cyclists insufficient. on Twitter Share the proposed bridge seems to narrow where it meets with the multi-use path. Such narrowing may cause problems between cyclists and pedestrians. Will cyclists be required to dismount on the bridge? This, too, may render space of pedestrians and cyclists insufficient. on Linkedin Email the proposed bridge seems to narrow where it meets with the multi-use path. Such narrowing may cause problems between cyclists and pedestrians. Will cyclists be required to dismount on the bridge? This, too, may render space of pedestrians and cyclists insufficient. link
the proposed bridge seems to narrow where it meets with the multi-use path. Such narrowing may cause problems between cyclists and pedestrians. Will cyclists be required to dismount on the bridge? This, too, may render space of pedestrians and cyclists insufficient.
Janet Wood asked almost 4 years agoThe width of the sidewalk on the bridge structure is 3.2m wide, which is wider than a standard multi-use path of 3.0m for a shared used facility for pedestrian and cyclists. The cyclist will need to dismount when crossing the bridge.
Who's Listening
Phone (905) 335-2353 x3030 Email felix.wong@woodplc.com
Virtual Open House
Speedvale Avenue Construction has finished this stageMarch 22 - April 4, 2021
We are sharing information about the upcoming construction plans, our timelines, and how the construction will impact area residents and businesses.
Preparing for Construction
Speedvale Avenue Construction is currently at this stageConstruction is set to begin in the summer of 2021. Details will be shared with area residents and businesses directly. To stay informed about the project, visit Guelph.ca/SpeedvaleConstruction
Construction Phase 1 begins
this is an upcoming stage for Speedvale Avenue ConstructionJune 2021
Watch for Phase 1 of construction on Speedvale between Glenwood Avenue. and Marlborough Rd. with some surrounding areas on Woolwich to begin later this summer!
Bridge reconstruction begins, including full road closure
this is an upcoming stage for Speedvale Avenue ConstructionStarting in June 2022
Reconstruction of the bridge over the Speed river will occur, requiring a full road closure through part of Speedvale Avenue.
Phase 2 construction
this is an upcoming stage for Speedvale Avenue ConstructionSpeedvale construction between Marlborough Rd and Stevenson St. will be announced for a future year.