Vision Zero

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Vision Zero

We’re always moving in Guelph. Wherever and however we’re travelling along our streets, we all want to feel safe. Vision Zero is all about making our streets safe. It is a strategy for reducing the number of people killed and seriously injured on our roadways to zero. Learn more about Vision Zero in Guelph

In January 2022, Guelph City Council endorsed Vision Zero as part of the Transportation Master Plan. This action plan replaces the 2020 Community Road Safety Strategy and outlines the path forward for Vision Zero actions in Guelph. We are building the action plan now and want your help.

How to Participate

Fill out the survey to tell us your view of road safety to develop a Vision Zero Action Plan for Guelph. Or, quickly let us know what safe streets means to you below. Check out what others are saying about safe streets in our photo gallery on the right of this page.

Vision Zero

We’re always moving in Guelph. Wherever and however we’re travelling along our streets, we all want to feel safe. Vision Zero is all about making our streets safe. It is a strategy for reducing the number of people killed and seriously injured on our roadways to zero. Learn more about Vision Zero in Guelph

In January 2022, Guelph City Council endorsed Vision Zero as part of the Transportation Master Plan. This action plan replaces the 2020 Community Road Safety Strategy and outlines the path forward for Vision Zero actions in Guelph. We are building the action plan now and want your help.

How to Participate

Fill out the survey to tell us your view of road safety to develop a Vision Zero Action Plan for Guelph. Or, quickly let us know what safe streets means to you below. Check out what others are saying about safe streets in our photo gallery on the right of this page.

What does safe streets mean to you?

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All neighbourhoods are connected by safe routes so that cyclists and pedestrians can go across town without worrying about safety. This includes underpasses under the Hanlon Expressway and sufficient crossover signals along long stretches of busy roads.

Claire Braden 8 days ago

Streets where people can travel freely by bike, by walking, by wheelchair, or any other mode of transport without fear of being hit by a car.

HappyGuelphite 8 days ago
Page last updated: 19 Sep 2024, 10:04 AM