Connecting the dots

There are many pre-existing plans, policies and pieces of legislation that guide our work. Many of these pieces had already come before the community for consultation, and that earlier engagement got us to this point. Let's connect those dots for you.

Growing civic participation across the community supports our strategic plan; Guelph. Future ready. with it's vision of an inclusive, connected, prosperous city where we look after each other and our environment.

  • All of the strategic pillars are impacted through better civic participation, but this work falls strongly under working together for our future, a modern government that works with us.

Community Engagement is guided by our Community engagement framework (2015) which is currently under review as part of this project.

  • In this review we heard from that relationship development is important to get people more and more deeply engaged, that we should meet people where they are, so we are asking people to recommend places in this project, and we should do a better job of reporting back and connecting the dots between projects and where decisions were already made - so that’s why you are seeing this section ion our website in the first place.

Council and Committee involvement has long-standing traditions, legislation and policies guiding their work. In this project we are looking at meeting scheduling, ways of attending and the process for participating.

  • In 2015 we looked at the meeting management system for council and asked the community, staff and council about ways to improve access to council, Improving the usability and quality of feedback shared with council and agenda and report publication timing. This project revisits some of our earlier findings and takes it a step further with a lens to equity.

And finally, the approach to bring both legislative (council and committee) and community engagement participation together in this project is a result our One City, One Voice, Shared Purpose approach to improve and increase two-way, audience-centric communications and engagement outside of predetermined corporate structures.

  • In this work we learned about the importance of removing silos at the City of Guelph and taking a step back to see the City structures through the eyes of the community and act and share information accordingly.


There are some limitations to changes we can make in Council and advisory committee activities. The following legislation, by-law and policy outline the structure of those groups and meetings. Any changes we do make must work within or complement these documents

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