Community Planning Permit System
About the project
The City of Guelph is developing a Community Planning Permit System, also called a CPPS, for two areas of the city: the Downtown and Stone Road / Edinburgh Road. The CPPS is a land use planning tool that combines Zoning By-law Amendments, Minor Variances, and Site Plan applications into a single application and approval process. Watch this video to understand what a Community Planning Permit System is and how we are considering using it in Guelph.
This tool helps make the application and approval process more efficient, allowing housing to reach the market more quickly, and delivers other important elements to build thriving communities such as affordable housing and diverse housing types, public facilities, parks and open spaces as well as infrastructure improvements to support the growth.
The CPPS will be designed to create a streamlined development process and a more flexible set of development standards. The permit system is one of eight initiatives outlined in the Housing Accelerator Fund Action Plan.
How to participate
Community engagement for the CPPS is happening while the tool (CPP By-law) is being developed, this means that the engagement that happens during this project will contribute to creating the rules of development for the two areas.
Thank you for joining us for the virtual open house on January 14, 2025. If you missed it you can take a look at the presentation.
Thanks for joining us for our virtual open house on November 21, participating in the survey or pinning a comment to the map. These tools are closed for comment so that we can review the feedback we received and consider it in the development of the CPPS.
In person
Thank you for coming out to our open houses at Priory Park Public School or the in-person pop ups at the Shelldale Centre, the Guelph Farmers' Market, Victoria Road Recreation Centre and the Guelph Public Library.
Come back for updates and additional opportunities that will be posted here.
Community Planning Permit by-law and Official Plan policies now available
The Community Planning Permit By-law and associated Official Plan Amendment policies are now available for your review.