Dallan Subdivision Park

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Consultation has concluded

We’re working on a master plan for a future park, located in Dallan subdivision south east of Clair Road and Gordon Street in the south end of Guelph.

Using your feedback, we’ve chosen to move forward with the vine concept. We want to know what you think. Help us by commenting on the preferred concept or asking any questions you have below.

View the full master plan rendering for the vine concept and read about what we heard from you in the engagement summary in the document library on the right hand side of the page.

We’ll use your feedback for the final detailed design.

We’re working on a master plan for a future park, located in Dallan subdivision south east of Clair Road and Gordon Street in the south end of Guelph.

Using your feedback, we’ve chosen to move forward with the vine concept. We want to know what you think. Help us by commenting on the preferred concept or asking any questions you have below.

View the full master plan rendering for the vine concept and read about what we heard from you in the engagement summary in the document library on the right hand side of the page.

We’ll use your feedback for the final detailed design.

Consultation has concluded

If you have a question about the preferred concept ask it here. We will do our best to answer you in 2-3 business days.

 If we see a question come up in the surveys and we can answer it we will do that here too.

  • Share Is there room for a tennis court? on Facebook Share Is there room for a tennis court? on Twitter Share Is there room for a tennis court? on Linkedin Email Is there room for a tennis court? link

    Is there room for a tennis court?

    SK asked over 4 years ago

    Tennis typically needs strong lighting, which isn't necessarily compatible with residents being so close by.

    We wouldn't typically recommend a single tennis court, and any bank of 2 or more courts would have taken up an unacceptably  large portion of the park to the exclusion of other uses.

    Finally, tennis courts typically encourage users from outside the immediate neighbourhood, and there is inadequate parking opportunities to support this.

  • Share If I’m willing to pay to have my last name as the parks name, is that possible? on Facebook Share If I’m willing to pay to have my last name as the parks name, is that possible? on Twitter Share If I’m willing to pay to have my last name as the parks name, is that possible? on Linkedin Email If I’m willing to pay to have my last name as the parks name, is that possible? link

    If I’m willing to pay to have my last name as the parks name, is that possible?

    Ali asked almost 5 years ago

    The naming of City assets falls under the Municipal Property and Building Commemorative Naming Policy


    We plan to go out to the public in the Spring to request names for the park at the Dallan subdivision for the naming committee to consider. Final naming will be at the discretion of City Council when they are presented a report later in the year. You can always make a submission for the naming of Dallan Subdivision Park at that time. Please review the policy to see if your suggestion meets the criteria. 

  • Share Is there an aerial view of the Vine and the Loop plan? Where are they situated within the park boundaries? How close are the paths and play area to the townhomes backing onto the park? on Facebook Share Is there an aerial view of the Vine and the Loop plan? Where are they situated within the park boundaries? How close are the paths and play area to the townhomes backing onto the park? on Twitter Share Is there an aerial view of the Vine and the Loop plan? Where are they situated within the park boundaries? How close are the paths and play area to the townhomes backing onto the park? on Linkedin Email Is there an aerial view of the Vine and the Loop plan? Where are they situated within the park boundaries? How close are the paths and play area to the townhomes backing onto the park? link

    Is there an aerial view of the Vine and the Loop plan? Where are they situated within the park boundaries? How close are the paths and play area to the townhomes backing onto the park?

    harry&joanvandam asked almost 5 years ago


    We have added the aerial renderings of the loop and vine concepts to the Document Library on the right hand side of the project page. Have a look!

    The Loop play area is 20.9 metres from the edge of the play equipment to the east property line at the closest spot. The path is 3 metres closer. 

    The Vine play area is 13 metres from edge of play equipment to east property line, at the closest spot. There is no pathway between play equipment and property line. 

  • Share We received this question in a survey. What is the estimated length of loop for each proposal? on Facebook Share We received this question in a survey. What is the estimated length of loop for each proposal? on Twitter Share We received this question in a survey. What is the estimated length of loop for each proposal? on Linkedin Email We received this question in a survey. What is the estimated length of loop for each proposal? link

    We received this question in a survey. What is the estimated length of loop for each proposal?

    almost 5 years ago

    For the loop concept the main pathway is approximately 210 linear metres (sidewalk to sidewalk). The trail is approximately 175 linear metres (from the trail node to Clair Road)

    For the vine concept the main pathway is approximately 140 linear metres (main path to the sidewalk). The fitness loop is approximately 70 linear metres. The trail is approximately 175 linear metres (trail node to Clair Road)