New Kortright East Park Design

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Check out the draft design options and share your thoughts!

Our survey is open until April 6. You can review the three designs and tell us what you like and what you would change on each.

Click here to take the survey

The Kortright East area is getting a new park at 249 Ambrous Crescent!

Our designers have created three different ideas for the park that we will share starting on March 17 to spark some conversation. We need to hear from the neighbourhood and anyone who would like to use the park so we can design and build a park that is welcoming and fun for everyone.

Future park location between Ambrous Cr. and John Brabson Cr.Your voice is important!

Between March 17 and April 6 share your feedback, ideas and preferences for park features and designs.

  • What area should the playground go in and what features should it have?
  • Where should trails move through the space?
  • How do you want to use open space in this park?
  • What does this park design need to meet the needs of the people in this neighbourhood?
  • What is special about this area that the new park can reflect and enhance?

Neighbours and visitors to the area, we want to hear from you! Take five minutes to share your thoughts in our survey by April 6.

Click here to take the survey

What comes next?

We will be back later this summer with a revised design based on your feedback for further conversation with the community before the design is finalized and processed for construction to be completed in 2026.

For more information or to share your thoughts with us directly, contact our Parks team:

Ryan Mallory, Park Planner
519-822-1260 extension 2298 | TTY 519-826-9771

Check out the draft design options and share your thoughts!

Our survey is open until April 6. You can review the three designs and tell us what you like and what you would change on each.

Click here to take the survey

The Kortright East area is getting a new park at 249 Ambrous Crescent!

Our designers have created three different ideas for the park that we will share starting on March 17 to spark some conversation. We need to hear from the neighbourhood and anyone who would like to use the park so we can design and build a park that is welcoming and fun for everyone.

Future park location between Ambrous Cr. and John Brabson Cr.Your voice is important!

Between March 17 and April 6 share your feedback, ideas and preferences for park features and designs.

  • What area should the playground go in and what features should it have?
  • Where should trails move through the space?
  • How do you want to use open space in this park?
  • What does this park design need to meet the needs of the people in this neighbourhood?
  • What is special about this area that the new park can reflect and enhance?

Neighbours and visitors to the area, we want to hear from you! Take five minutes to share your thoughts in our survey by April 6.

Click here to take the survey

What comes next?

We will be back later this summer with a revised design based on your feedback for further conversation with the community before the design is finalized and processed for construction to be completed in 2026.

For more information or to share your thoughts with us directly, contact our Parks team:

Ryan Mallory, Park Planner
519-822-1260 extension 2298 | TTY 519-826-9771

  • What kind of park are we planning?

    Share What kind of park are we planning? on Facebook Share What kind of park are we planning? on Twitter Share What kind of park are we planning? on Linkedin Email What kind of park are we planning? link

    The park which will be built at at 249 Ambrous Cr. is designated as a Neighbourhood Park, a smaller park meant to serve people who live in the immediate area and is complemented by the nearby Jubilee Park (a Community Park) with more features intended for use by the neighbors as well as the broader community.

    Guelph's Parks and Recreation Master Plan defines the different types of parks using a classification system and ensures that our parks located throughout the community meet the needs of the city and the people who live here now and in the future.

    How Guelph’s park system is structured

    Guelph’s parkland is organized in a classification system that guides park function, programming and size. Official Plan policies outline four types of parks in Guelph: urban squares, neighbourhood parks, community parks and regional parks. Urban squares and neighbourhood parks are intended to meet the local needs of residents by providing walkable amenities. Community Parks and Regional parks are intended to meet both the local needs of residents and the larger community by offering a broader service level that includes cultural and outdoor recreational needs. This often includes parking, intermediate level sports fields, and specialized attractions. The classification system is a forward-looking standard, which means that sometimes an existing park doesn’t fit neatly into the park type description. Existing parks are a product of the urban form, principles of planning and standards at the time of development.

    About Neighbourhood Parks

    Neighbourhood parks are the building blocks of the park system. Neighbourhood parks are typically smaller, local parks that serve the needs of one neighbourhood. They include play areas, recreation amenities and green spaces that are close to people’s homes. They are meant to be easily walked to (500 to 800 metres) so people can enjoy unorganized, unstructured and spontaneous activities. They typically provide passive areas, low to intermediate sports facilities, informal and formal play areas and may contain natural areas.

    To learn more about the other types of parks in our classification system, Check out page 28 of our Parks and Recreation Maser Plan.

Page last updated: 19 Mar 2025, 11:16 AM